Art » Art



Pre-K Art Curriculum: The Pre-K art curriculum is based on an introduction to art for small children. The course will help children learn about art's meaning in the world, give an understanding of other cultures, introduce art materials, encourage creativity and imagination, aid in small motor development, and improve memory. The curriculum will also be geared towards integrating the Imagine It! program topics, which is curriculum set for the Pre-K classrooms.
Curriculum for Grades K - 5: The goal of the art program at Oakdale Elementary School is to provide each child with an opportunity to express his/her individual creativity and to develop artistic skills while encouraging independent thinking and creative problem-solving. Students work with basic art media in a challenging program that develops confidence, self-esteem, fine motor skills, respect for others, and a love for the artistic process. The program provides a solid foundation for alignment to the National and State Art Standards. The curriculum will also be geared towards integrating the Imagine It! program topics, which is curriculum set for the K-5 classrooms.


This website is designed to keep you up-to-date on all the exciting events in the art rooms. Students in Grades 1-5 have art once a week for 45 minutes in the the art rooms. Kindergarten students have 30 minutes of art per week while preschoolers have 20 minutes of art. *Please remind your child to wear old clothing on art day!"
Good questions to ask your child when they bring home an art project: How did you do that? Can you tell me about it? Where did you begin? Where did you get that idea? What was your favorite part? Have you ever done anything like this before? If you gave it a title, what would you call it?

  • Follow directions the first time given.
  • Raise your hand and wait for permission to talk.
  • Stay in seat unless otherwise directed.
  • Hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
  • Respect yourself and others - use kind and encouraging words. No put downs!
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • Try your BEST.
Bethany Bonner was awarded a $4500.00 grant from the Montville Education Foundation. The program for which the funds were granted will create new pathways for thinking based on the interconnectedness of art and technology. The intention is that this program will be presented to encourage creative use of technology, using it as a medium and tool with which to create art, and consider new ways of thinking about art and about life while working through the artistic process as a path to problem-solving and higher order thinking. Visual Art is the creative endeavor which allows young minds to express themselves while engaging in the individual decision-making process. Students will be encouraged to take artistic risks and to think independently. This project will expand the art program by incorporating 21st century skills into the curriculum for 4th and 5th graders.
  • old shirts for smocks
  • pencil boxes
  • Clorox hand wipes
  • wall hooks
  • paper plates
  • paper bags - small or large
  • cotton balls
  • tablecloths
  • Q-tips
  • Saran wrap & tin foil
  • clear containers
  • craft supplies such as beads & pipe cleaners
  • egg cartons
  • sculpture material such as CDs, straws, misc. small toys
  • wood scraps (with sanded edges)
  • pizza trays
  • safe mirrors
Basically anything you can think of we can use. Thank you so much.