Music & Band
Ms. Scott

Music making is a skill any human is capable of developing and it is an expression of the human soul that I believe all students have a right to learn. The most meaningful learning comes from students doing and exploring as they take the lead. As all children do, students learn best when they are able to get hands-on experience and there is no better way to teach music. As music teacher, I act as “guide-on-the-side” as often as possible and let my students discover and explore what wonders the music world has to offer. Whether they go on to be a concert pianist, the next Taylor Swift, or just want to play in the local community band, music has something to offer everyone. Through music education students learn to develop life-long skills that transfer across disciplines and content areas: cooperation, problem solving, dedication, perseverance, respect and responsibility.
General Music Classes
Oakdale students meet for music class once every five days. PreK students meet for 20 minutes and Kindergarten - 5th grade students meet for 45 minutes. We cover many aspects of music and incorporate performing, creating, responding and connecting to music throughout the year.
Grades PreK - 2nd explore music through a curriculum called, “First Steps in Music,” developed by John M. Feierabend. With this program students are taken through a “musical workout” during each class. These workouts include vocal warm-up, pitch exploration, call and response and echo songs, simple songs, as well as movement exploration and movement with the beat. Songs in this curriculum include folk songs from America and around the world, including some in foreign languages. Rhythm instruments and other props are incorporated into certain songs. We end every lesson with a song tale, a story in the form of a song. Through the musical workout of “First Steps in Music” students build a foundation of vocal and tonal abilities that carry through to the upper grade music lessons. Additional concepts covered include: our 4 voices, musical opposites, music contour, instrument families, use of iconic music notation, and musical stories such as “Peter and the Wolf” and “The Nutcracker.”
Grade 3 students focus mainly on learning their first instrument - the recorder. The recorder is a tool through which all students can easily learn an instrument as well as learn to read basic music notation while becoming more independent musicians. Students learn music together as a class and work towards a culminating performance at the end of the school year. The recorder is great starting point for any student interested in starting a band instrument in 4th grade. All the skills learned with the recorder transfer to any band instrument they may choose in the coming year. Recorders are ordered through the school every fall. Order forms and information are sent home at the beginning of each school year. All music is provided in class.
Grades 4 and 5 focus on performing as an ensemble in their music classes. This includes continued use of music notation as well as gaining a more sophisticated understanding of music vocabulary and music symbols. Concepts such as balance, blend, accompaniment, tempo and dynamics often come up in our lessons. To play as an ensemble, students use ukuleles, bucket drums and orff mallet instruments. Other topics and concepts covered in 4th and 5th grades include: notable composers and musicians (i.e. Copland, Vivaldi, Mozart, Stravinsky, Ellington, Yo-Yo Ma), improvisation, jazz history and jazz performance, composing music and understanding the use of music elements in musical expression.
4th and 5th grade students have the option of choosing an instrument to learn in lessons and performing in band. Those who choose to join receive a group lesson once a week in addition to their general music class. Lessons are grouped according to instrument type when possible (i.e. all flutes together, all brass together).
4th grade band students focus on instrument care and proper holding of instruments, producing a clear tone, and basic music reading. 4th grade band students perform at the Spring Concert.
5th grade band students focus on more advanced music reading and playing as well as developing their tone and playing abilities. 5th grade band meets for an additional rehearsal with all instruments. Here students work to perform as an ensemble, learning to play with different instruments playing different parts. 5th grade band students perform at both the Winter and Spring Concerts.
Band is an excellent opportunity for students to learn musicianship, cooperation, and dedication - skills that benefit all aspects of life. For more information about band lessons and instruments, please contact Ms. Scott.
Montville Honor Band
Montville Honor Band was started in 2017 by Vanessa Wudyka - Tyl Middle School, Roxanne Buck - Mohegan Elementary, Donna Lozupone - Murphy Elementary, and Claire Scott - Oakdale Elementary. Honor Band is an audition only, week-long festival open to band students from grades 5th through 8th. Every year, interested students audition in February and are selected to participate in the festival in April. Songs are selected to perform as a full band and opportunities for solo performances are given. The festival and concert takes place at Tyl Middle School. Students meet after school to rehearse in sectionals and as a band.
Details and audition information is sent home to 5th grade band students in February.