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Please join us on Facebook: Oakdale Elementary PTOThe mission of the Oakdale Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance the educational environment for students working in partnership with parents, teachers, support staff, and administrators.
The objective of these by-laws is to establish the organizational structure and set forth, describe, and define the Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures of this Parent-Teacher Organization for the Oakdale School.
Section 1: Membership A. Members agree to support the purpose of the PTO, and are willing to comply with the policies and provisions of the bylaws. B. Membership is available without regard to race, color, sex, age, creed, or national origin.
Section 2: Enrollment A. The membership drive will be conducted in the fall, including renewals. Members must complete a basic information form in order to vote at meetings. Forms will be available at all the meetings. B. Dues are not required for membership. C. Copies of the bylaws will be available to all members. D. A condensed outline of the regular meeting format will be available to all members.
ARTICLE 2: MEETINGSA. Regular meetings for the year will be scheduled at least every other month between September and June, on the dates and times established by the current executive Committee. This will occur as soon as practical after elections, but no later than August 31.
B. Regular meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.
C. Cancelled regular meetings will be rescheduled.
D. Meetings will be run following Robert’s Rules of Order Revised. A quick start version should be available to members at each meeting.
E. A majority vote on any matter will prevail. All members may vote, except the President, who shall only vote in the case of a tie.
F. The secretary shall tally and record both the yeah and nay voted on any matter put to a vote.
Section 2: Election MeetingA. The annual Election meeting will be held in May.
B. The election meeting may be combined with the regular May meeting.
Section 3: Special Meetings
A. A special meeting of the PTO may be called upon at least once a month from September to June.
B. The executive committee meetings will be called by the President, or by a quorum of the Executive Committee.
C. Executive committee meetings are open to committees; however Committee Chairpersons may be obliged to attend certain Executive committee meetings.
Section 1: Dates
A. All nominees shall be presented annually at the April meeting.
B. Officers shall be elected by ballot at the May meeting.
C. Officers shall assume their duties upon completion of the May meeting with guidance from the current officers until July 1.
D. The term of each officer shall be for one school year until the election of a successor, and July 1.
E. No officer may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office unless waived by a quorum vote of the PTO.
Section 2: QualificationsA. All officers and other appointed positions of the Oakdale PTO should be members.
B. Only persons consenting to serve may be nominated for an office or appointed to chair a committee.
C. All officers should be parents/Legal guardians of Oakdale students.
D. Only two officers of the Executive Committee may be regular staff of the Montville School District during a single term.
Section 3: Nominating Committee and NominationsA. The nominating committee will consist of three members, only from the Executive Committee (excluding the President), and two regular members of the PTO to be appointed by quorum vote at the March meeting.
B. The nominating committee will submit the names of the eligible person for each office at the April meeting. This will be a slate of nominees to be considered for election.
C. Nominations may also be received from the floor at the April meeting.
Section 4: Method of ElectionA. Elections of officers will be by secret ballot. The candidates with the greatest number of votes from the membership present will be declared elected.
B. If there is only one nominee for any offices, a motion may be made that the Secretary cast the elective ballot of the PTO for that nominee.
C. The President may appoint a person to assist any elected officer in a Co-capacity. The executive Committee must confirm this appointment.
Section 5: Vacancy or Removal of OfficersA. A vacancy occurring in the office other than the President shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee.
B. In the event of a Presidential vacancy, the Vice President will assume the Presidency.
C. Should a situation exist that would require the removal of an officer from his/her position, the following procedure shall be used:
a. All the remaining officers and the Principal will unanimously agree that this action is necessary
b. At a regular meeting of the PTO, one of the officers bringing the action will present the motion to the PTO with justification for removal. The officer in question will then be allowed to present their case against removal.
c. The PTO will have a motion and vote to remove. A two-thirds majority is required for removal.
d. Removal from office does not constitute removal from PTO.
Section 6: Succession of OfficersA. All officers, except the Treasurer, will turn all record and official documentation to the successors no later than 14 days following the completion of the school year. B. The Treasurer’s records will be delivered no later than July 1.
Section 1:Officers Officers of the PTO will consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Section 2: All Officers ShallA. Greet members as they enter the meeting hall.
B. Encourage attendance at meetings.
C. Forward all written correspondence to the Secretary for filing in the permanent record.
D. Have power to sign checks with another officer, in lieu of the Treasurer.
E. Provide assistance and training to the successor. F. Deliver all official material to successor. G. Recruit committee chairpersons for all vacancies.
Section 3: The President Shall
A. Be the chief executive officer of the PTO, with general charge and supervision of the business and affairs of the PTO.
B. Schedule the meeting of the Executive Committee and general PTO as described in Article 2.
C. Preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and PTO, following the Robert’s Rules.
D. Appoint committee chairperson and coordinate the work between the chairperson and the executive committee to achieve PTO objectives.
E. Create needed committees to achieve goals.
F. The president will be an ex-officio member of all committees other than the nominating committee.
G. Review record of all committee chairpersons.
H. Plan the regular meeting agenda with other officers at each Executive Committee meeting.
I. Have the power to sign and execute all contracts, agreements and other obligation in the name of the PTO.
J. Be the spokesperson for the PTO.
Section 4: The Vice President Shall
A. Be an advisor and aid to the president.
B. Preside at all meetings of the PTO in the absence of the President.
C. Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.
D. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee
E. Be responsible for messages sent home.
F. Oversee the Public Relation Committee.
G. Coordinate volunteer sign –ups to occur at least one during the year on a school-wide basis.
H. Coordinate a review of the by-laws one a year.
I. See that the PTO adheres to the bylaws at general meetings.
J. Maintain a current list of the existing committees.
K. Collect monthly committee reports two day prior to the Executive Committee meeting each month.
Section 5: The Treasurer ShallA. Be the financial officer for the PTO.
B. Collect all funds due to the PTO and deposit them within three (3) working days of receipt, into the PTO checking account. Immediately following any PTO event, the chairperson, the treasurer or other finance committee members will count and record all proceeds. Results will be recorded and signed by the counters.
C. Disburse funds as authorized by the PTO. A bill for receipt and a reimbursement form must be submitted for the reimbursement of approved expenses. Payments should be made by check.
D. Chair the Finance Committee.
E. Keep a detailed account of the revenues and expenditures of the PTO.
F. Assist chairpersons in maintaining an accurate account of the budget.
G. Made a financial report of all the funds at all meetings of the PTO and Executive Committee.
H. Prepare a full written report at the June meeting for use as the basis for the audit for the IRS requirements.
I. Stay abreast of the necessary Internal Revenue Service laws, forms and publication; and keep the necessary forms on file to ensure the continued tax-exempt status of the PTO.
J. Notify the President when the activity of the PTO is such that there could exist a potential risk to the tax-exempt status of the PTO.
Section 6: The Secretary ShallA. Be a communications officer of the PTO.
B. Keep minutes of all meetings of the PTO and the Executive Committee. The minutes shall include attendance, passage of the treasury report and meeting minutes, summary of issues, motions and decisions made recording membership votes.
C. The minutes should be sent to the executive committee members for review within two days following each meeting, and the general members within 7 days or the following Wednesday folder.
D. Have copies of the previous minutes available at each general meeting.
E. Be responsible for presenting the prior meeting minutes to the PTO for acceptance.
F. File the accepted PTO minutes into the permanent record.
G. Collect, report, and file all correspondences to the general PTO.
H. Send correspondences when authorized by the PTO and/or Executive Committee.
I. Sit as a member of the Public relations committee.
J. Maintain a roster of the membership.
K. Collect and make copies of PTO business for distribution in the Wednesday folders.
L. Generate a monthly calendar of events for the student distribution, along with maintaining the wall calendar in the school.
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers, and the Principal.
B. Retains the right to establish or disestablish any committee and appoint committee chairpersons to achieve the objectives established by these bylaws and the current PTO.
C. Direct PTO policy.
D. Provide administrative support to complete desired objectives.
E. Preside over the general meetings.
F. Set objectives and agenda for the general PTO meetings.
Section 2: Finance Committee/Auditing CommitteeA. The finance committee shall consist of the current executive board and any other member volunteers.
B. Create a proposed budget for the following school year, using input provided by the committee chairpersons and the executive committee.
C. Periodically review the financial records.
D. Assist the treasurer in counting funds during events and fundraisers.
E. Audit the books annually. The treasurer can schedule the audit, to occur May, but should not participate in the audit.
F. Report the results of the audit at the September meeting.
Section 3: Nominating Committee See Article 3: Section 3.A. The fundraising Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.
B. Plan and organize fundraisers and fundraising activities.
C. Differentiate between fundraisers and non-fundraising activities.
D. Distribute materials and product.
Section 5: Special CommitteesA. The Executive Committee may establish special committees with a PTO vote to promote specific needs of the PTO.
B. Have a term of duration sufficient to complete the designated project, not to exceed the current school year.
Section 6: All Committees ShallA. Have a chairperson or dual chair.
B. Shall verify with the executive committee the allotted funds available, if any then shall submit their plans for budget, calendar, and pertinent information to the executive committee within two weeks of meeting for the first time.
C. Coordinate applicable committee meetings.
D. Forward meeting minutes to the PTO Vice-President and committee members. These should include members present, and matters that were discussed.
E. Act as Liaison to the president concerning committee business.
F. Provide receipts and completed reimbursement form to the Treasurer for any expenses.
G. Turn over money to the Treasurer within 24 hours upon completion of an event involving money transactions, unless the Treasurer makes prior approval.
H. Provide notices or displays for prior approval to the Secretary. These should be submitted four (4) days prior to the publication.
I. Not financially obligate the PTO or Oakdale School, without consent from the executive committee.
J. Provide updates at general PTO meetings.
K. Chairpersons shall provide executive committee all documentation and correspondences by the last day of school.
A. The PTO, its respective officers, and authorized committees will have the right and power to administer funds to accomplish the objectives of the PTO.
B. All monies will be kept in an interest –bearing account.
Section 2: Receipt of FundsA. Any person representing the PTO that receives PTO funds will, within one business day, deliver the funds to the treasurer, unless previous arrangements have been made.
. The PTO treasurer will record transactions involving receipt of funds and place those funds into the PTO account within three (3) business days.
C. Reports of all receipted funds will be made to the PTO at the next meeting.
Section 3: Expenditure of Funds
A. Monies will be expended by the Treasurer only when authorized by the PTO, or the executive committee.
B. The President or other appropriate executive committee member will be a signature on the account.
C. Reports of all expenditures will be made to the PTO at the next meeting.
A. Unclaimed funds are checks by check request that are not cashed within 90 days.
B. Unclaimed funds will be re-deposited into the PTO’s general fund.
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the PTO by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided that a notice of the proposed amendment has been given at the previous meeting.
Section 2: A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws only by a majority vote at a regular meeting of the PTO. ARTICLE 8: CURRENT APPROVED COMMITTEES Committees will be decided for the school calendar year by the current Executive Board.